Motion Graphics

Eagle Ottawa: Immersion

Eagle Ottawa is a premium auto leather company. For their 2021 collection, they needed a video to display their leather for the upcoming auto show. The Lunar North team put together a reel combining their product shots alongside our 3D renderings to create an editorial and aetherial ambiance. For this project, I worked under the guidance of Emily Tinklenberg and Marcus Mullins. Together we style framed, and animated various product compositions.

Directed By: Lunar North
Creative Director: Marcus Mullins
Design: Marcus Mullins, Emily Tinklenberg
2D Animation: Marissa Cruz, Marcus Mullins, Samantha Pickett, Emily Tinklenberg
3D Animation: Jake Matauch, Marcus Mullins, Emily Tinklenberg, Jim Vance
Intern Designer & Animator
I came onto this project after the style development, image assets, 3D assets, and script were created. I was assigned a selection of concepts to layout and animate
Before I joined the Lunar North team had already set the style direction with the client. From there 3D elements were created and each of us was assigned frames to layout. After style frames were approved by the team we then moved onto an animation phase. It took some time to get the animation style nailed down but once that was settled the project moved steadily through to delivery.